Small Businesses: Have an Energy Strategy like the Big Boys/Girls (or better) by Mike Cain

Happy Small Business Week! Most major businesses have realized that having an energy strategy is good for not only their brand, but also their bottom line. By leveraging the numerous available incentives, grant programs, and funding tools that are available to small businesses, you can develop a Master Energy Strategy just like the Big Girls/Boys or—better yet—one that puts theirs to shame.

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The DC you don't See: Cutting Edge Infrastructure hides behind mid-century walls. by Mike Cain

Managing Director, Mike Cain, published an article on the hidden efficiency of the District using Carrollsburg Condominium—the Southwest Condominium property that installed the city's first multifamily microturbine-based onsite power generation and heat recovery system—as the case & point.

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Is it Time for a Tune-Up? by Mike Cain

Due to the high efficacy of a well-executed building tune-up process (technically named "retrocommissioning"), significant funding has been made available by several local utility incentive programs to implement Building Retrocommissioning projects in qualified buildings. Retrocommissioning is a systematic process that optimizes energy consumption and overall energy efficiency in an existing building in order to determine energy usage, identify energy-savings opportunities, and optimize the existing building systems. By restoring targeted equipment, enhancing...

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Happy 2018! by Mike Cain

To all of our invaluable clients, partners, and team members: We thank you for an amazing 2017 filled with unique challenges, effective solutions, and massive results, and we greatly look forward to joining you for a fantastic New Year! Even more...

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era has its very own "Legend in Energy". by Mike Cain

We have our very own "Legend in Energy"! era building solutions is pleased to announce that Mike Cain, our Managing Director, returned from the World Energy Engineering Congress (WEEC) in Atlanta, GA having been inducted as a Legend in Energy by the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE).

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